Trauma Informed Practice
Acknowledgment of Trauma-Informed Practice at NeuroBeat Breathwork
Effective Date: Nov. 20, 2024
At NeuroBeat Breathwork, we are deeply committed to creating a safe, supportive, and empowering environment for all participants. As a trauma-informed practice, we recognize the prevalence and impact of trauma, and we ensure our services are delivered in a way that promotes healing, trust, and empowerment.
What Trauma-Informed Practice Means to Us
A trauma-informed approach involves:
- Safety: Creating a physically and emotionally safe space where participants feel secure and respected.
- Trustworthiness and Transparency: Being open and clear about our processes, ensuring participants understand what to expect during sessions.
- Empowerment: Encouraging client autonomy, self-awareness, and personal growth throughout their healing journey.
- Collaboration: Building a partnership between facilitators and participants, respecting their input and unique experiences.
- Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting and honoring diverse backgrounds, identities, and experiences.
- Understanding Trauma Responses: Recognizing that trauma can manifest in various ways and ensuring our approach accommodates these responses with compassion and care.
Facilitator Commitment
As a trauma-informed entity, our facilitators:
- Have undergone training in trauma-informed practices to provide supportive and effective services.
- Continuously educate themselves on trauma-related issues and their intersection with breathwork, coaching, and expressive arts.
- Respect client boundaries, pace, and readiness, ensuring that all techniques and interventions align with the client’s comfort level.
Participant Rights
As a participant, you have the right to:
- Autonomy: Control over your participation and the pace of your sessions.
- Informed Consent: A clear understanding of what each session entails and the freedom to withdraw or modify participation at any time.
- Confidentiality: Assurance that your personal experiences and shared information remain private and protected.
- Respect and Empathy: An approach that validates your unique journey and prioritizes your well-being.
Acknowledgment of Trauma-Informed Practice
By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the principles and practices of NeuroBeat Breathwork as a trauma-informed practice. Your well-being and comfort are our highest priorities.
Participant Name: ___________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________
If you have any questions about this form or NeuroBeat Breathwork’s trauma-informed practices, please contact us at:
NeuroBeat Breathwork
Email: info@aniahaas.com
Phone: 708-436-4493